Aerospace & Defense

Designing elegant solutions for mission critical spaces.

little sparkle

In Short

Redesigning a complex multi-application legacy system to support asset management, increase efficiency, and minimize maintenance costs.
little sparkle


• Product design

• UX/UI Design

• User Research

little sparkle


Lockheed Martin

Project Overview

Problem Space

Our team was tasked with a complete overhaul of an existing integrated system used to manage a complex collection of assets. The guiding tenets of our design were scalability, discoverability, and customizability. The system had to be able to manage large quantities of data while maintaining a simple, digestible interface. Additionally, the solution had to be easy to learn for new users, while supporting veteran users’ demands for customization and efficient workflows.


  1. Discovery 

In the initial discovery phase, we sought to absorb as much knowledge about the system and its usage directly from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and actively engaged with end-users to observe their interactions with the system firsthand. Our objective: understand users' workflows and identify significant pain points within the system. During this phase it was critical to define the scope of the project and identify any constraints, such as budget, time, or technical limitations. Understanding these factors upfront allowed our team to plan accordingly and make informed decisions throughout the design process. Additionally, it was important for us to align with our stakeholders on the priorities for the project and build raport early on between our teams.

  1. Wireframing 

During the wireframe stage, we focused on defining the basic structure and organization of the user interface, including core elements such as navigation menus, content sections, buttons, forms, and other interactive elements. These low-fi, skeletal outlines were used to illustrate our early exploratory concepts and define key workflows. As the project progressed and we began tackling additional applications within the system, we developed a design system. With these guidelines in place, we aimed to promote consistency across our designs and improve the efficiency of our wireframe production process.

  1. Prototyping 

Prototypes were invaluable for us in our engagement sessions with users, allowing us to validate not only our static designs but interactions and workflows as well. They also helped us determine, with our stakeholders, which interactions were feasible given the existing back-end architecture of the system. 

  1. Validation

Participants found it valuable to interact with the designs, as the prototypes aided their comprehension of the flow between screens and provided insight into the overall user experience. Obtaining both qualitative and quantitative feedback from end users and stakeholders was integral as we progressed through the design process. Consistent check-ins and continuous communication with stakeholders were crucial to maintaining alignment on the design direction. We verified that our concepts remained feasible within the business constraints and contractual terms throughout the process.

  1. Handoff 

Our responsibilities did not extend to the development of this system and due to budget constraints on the client's end, the realization of the system was postponed. Consequently, we prepared a comprehensive set of design guidelines and specifications to assist the development team when the project was picked up for implementation. These documents meticulously detailed every component, spacing, layout, interaction, and HEX code of our designs, ensuring that developers could easily replicate our designs in the development environment.It’s important to note that while these stages are presented in numerical order, real design work isn’t that clear cut or linear. In many instances our team had multiple different phases going simultaneously. We were constantly learning novel information about the way the system worked and user behavior. We continually iterated on our concepts, updated our design system, and in turn validated changes with users and stakeholders as often as possible. 


Throughout the design process, our team had to address several critical business constraints, including a strict timeline for deliverables, limited exposure to end-users, and implementation feasibility. To increase iteration efficiency, we developed a comprehensive design system that included responsive page layouts and reusable button and icon components. This collection of elements also allowed for rapid prototyping, which helped us to maximize our infrequent validation sessions, both in-person and virtually. In addition, a detailed specification/design guideline was created to ensure consistency across the system during development.

Mobile Optimization


Final Design

The final solution prioritizes streamlined workflows, consolidating primary actions to increase efficiency for users performing repetitive tasks daily. On the fringes of these workflows,  it was crucial to ensure seamless integration and communication with other legacy systems while upholding data integrity. 

Additionally, maintaining transparency into system status was important to combat fatigue during long loading and processing times. Throughout the designs warnings and errors were made clear and accessible in order to support user safety and build trust in the system. 

Effective data management was another critical pillar for this project, and the final design reflects this. With scalability in mind, designs were created such that they could accommodate large quantities of data while presenting information in a comprehensible manner. Final designs are easy to learn for novice users, features are easy to discover, all without compromising functionality for seasoned users. 

Please note that the visual design has been largely abstracted to respect and comply with NDA guidelines.


This project was a major catalyst for me in developing and strengthening critical skills as a UX designer. I learned to operate efficiently within project scopes and contractual limitations, integrating technical constraints into my work effectively. The rigorous demands of this project fortified my skills in  communication and collaboration, especially across a multi-disciplinary team. Additionally, I acquired proficiency in conducting user engagement sessions independently, both in person and virtually, and developed skills in taking comprehensive notes and synthesizing them to facilitate informed design decisions. 

I am especially proud of my ability to present confidently and articulate ideas effectively to an experienced team of SMEs and developers. Mastering this skill, particularly in this larger, professional environment was a significant milestone for me in my design career.